Monday, 26 November 2012

Pop-up update

These are a few more pictures that we took as an update of our previous Web Pop-up pictures. We decided to go back and see how it looks from slightly different angles mainly because the banana is the main point of the advert and it wasn't that obvious from so far away. We also bought a banana and used this as we would in the final Web Pop-up, this is to get a better understanding of how to make the banana obvious.

In the first picture, we took this in front of a white wall to get a clear shot of the robber. This is not what we would use for our final Web Pop-up but we wanted to get an idea of how the robber should hold the banana. Although the banana is out of shot we agree that having the robbers' arm at full length the banana is as large as possible would make the situation much more clear and adds to the humour.

In the third and fourth pictures, we took from the Cashiers point of view. After deciding that having a shot from a CCTV angle is out the picture, we choose to have it from this angle. We like the fact that this angle makes it more intimate for the audience and also gives a much more clear picture of the robber and his mistake. These are all draft pictures for what it will look like, but when taking the final picture we will most likely use a lower angle, this makes the Cashier looks vulnerable and the robber looks more powerful, even though what he thinks is a gun is actually a banana. We intend to use this angle and at the same time, incorporate what we talked about in picture two. So we want the banana to be much bigger and closer to the audience and the shot to be from the Cashiers point of view. We are using a different person to act as the robber, we are going to use a male student from our school who is much taller than we are, this way it is more of a stereotype for a robber.

We have decided that we think the top photo would be best. The mis en scene of our chosen location does not look bank-ish enough and may confuse the audience. We want the mis en scene to be instantly recognisable so the robber must conform to stereotypes; this has led us to introduce the idea of him having a swag bag. 

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Itinerary Shoots x3

20/20 advert:
Date: (draft): 23rd November
Location: Kate's house
Equipment: Camera, tripod, 
Props: paint tube, paint pallet, paintbrush, toothpaste tube, toothbrush,
Costume: paint shirt, dressing gown, grey dress with black cardigan
Actors/Actresses: Kate Morris-Millar, Kona Rogers

Life Drawing Advert: 
Date: TBC
Location: Community hall (Cheney)  
Equipment: Camera, tripod
Props: door sign, chairs,
Costume: plain white robe, black clothing for members of group
Actors/Actresses: TBC

20/20 web pop up (robbery)
Date: TBC
Location: Reception desk(Cheney)
Equipment: Camera, tripod
Props: banana, black sack
Costume: Balaclava, dark jumper, dark trousers, trainers
Actors/Actresses: Calum McCrae 

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Advert2 costume

For the life drawing model we think a robe would be most appropriate. The one we are also using in our first advert fits the role perfectly! We will have to find a tie that is of the same colour. This should be easy.
The group in the bereavement support meeting will wear dull clothes; maybe some black clothes to give the impression of mourning. 

Monday, 19 November 2012

Pop-up location

Basing our decision of what bank cashiers look like on online research (above) and our own knowledge we chose to shoot the pop-up image in the location below. It is the reception of our school and the nature of any reception gives an impression of a bank. This one especially though because of the glass and the slot at the bottom (as if for passing money to and throw).

Our original plan was to have the pop-up from the cashiers point of view, so the robber would be pointing the banana at the camera. This intimacy would've meant the viewer could really feel the humiliation and mistake that the robber made. However we have now decided to have an image that looks like cctv footage of a robbery (top left). This will be more different and eye-catching and make the situation seem more real. This will make the problems bad eyesight can cause more realistic and the viewer's may be more likely to buy the product as a result!

The problem with this location was the background. But now we aren't doing the straight on shot the stairs, hall and notice boards- which do not fit viewer's knowledge of banks- wont be seen.

Here are two brief shots we took this afternoon at our chosen location. We prefer the second shot; it is more clear that it's a bank because of the computer (we will obviously remove the mug and other bits and bobs). And cctv cameras are more often than not located behind the desk. It also means that we can see the characters face more. However the reflection in the glass is a problem that we may not be able to overcome. The purple door doesn't fit the look of a bank so we have discussed having the photo in black and white (below) which we think looks more realistic.

We would have numbers (date and time) to further show that it was cctv footage.

Note that in our actual photo there will be a larger space for our slogan and logo to be on.

We have also considered the altering the quality of the image
to make it look more like cctv footage and therefore more realistic.

After further discussion over our pop-up we agree that the photo will have to be clearer i.e. the banana will have to be obvious and we would position the face so that the reflection doesn't fall over the characters' face.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Brand logo

In terms of company name we couldn't use 'Specsavers' so we set about creating a new brand for our product.
1. Vision Express- Already taken!
2. VisionPro- 'Pro' doesn't exactly appeal to mainstream; doesn't give an impression of reasonable, affordable prices.
3. Specksavers (spelling difference).
4. 20/20- Refers to 20 out of 20 sight; the best possible sight. By using this we imply to our audience that we can help them achieve this, or to some extent.
 We have chosen the last one as it is relevant and extremely catchy. After doing some research we discovered that the majority of people don't know what 20/20 is. So to make the purpose of our brand and product more obvious we have decided to call it'20/20 vision'. So that those people at least know it's to do with eyesight.

Above is the completed brand logo. When choosing the colour scheme, we decided on light blue for the '20/20' as it has strong connotations of medical professionalism and therefore reliability (people associate blue with medical practices uniforms?), whilst black is solid (suggesting reliability) and eye-catching. Here are some examples of existing medical logos and as you can see blue is a popular and therefore appropriate colour.

Using photoshop, we tried a variety of different fonts before deciding on one that looked sharp to represent the 'sharp' sight we will be offering our customers. The 'V' whilst being also a 'forward slash' can be seen as tick- this therefore has positive connotations.

Note that our slogan won't be 'Should've gone to 20/20 Vision' as that is too long-winded and not as catchy as simply 'Should've gone to 20/20'. Also note that the background is not intended to be white. Similar to Specsavers (right) we think a lack of background looks more professional and tidy. This means we must make sure that our logo is composed so that it's background is plain and of opposite colours; so that it's legible.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Advert2 location

These are shots of some potential locations for our sponsorship idea which we took around the school. We chose school a) because it's practical and b) because meetings, like book clubs and AA meetings, are often held in schools. The school setting adds to the realism of the AA meeting that will be being held in our advert. I think the second location looks most realistic; it looks more like a separate room unlike the first one which, with all it's doors and windows, is obviously a corridor of sort. The third location's furniture is way to bright and we are concerned that it will detract attention form the focus of the advert. The carpet and dark walls of the last location don't fit with our criteria!
We hoped to take some shots of the community hall at Cheney school, as this is the kind of place AA meetings would genuinely happen, but it was being used today. We are now waiting for an email which will let us know what date we use it. 
Here are 4 different locations in our school which we could possibly use to film the second advert.
We have chosen to film in school because it is very practical for us and also the fact that meetings (AA meetings etc) take place in community buildings such as schools. The locations we have chosen will add to the realism of the advert and the way that we will lay out the chairs (in a circle) and the mise en scene we use will also add to the realism.

We think that the second location looks the most realistic, this is because it looks like a separate room, unlike the first one where you can see doors and windows from all angles.
The third location is much too bright for our liking, whereas the fourth is much too dark due to the dark blue paint and carpet. If we decided to use the third location, we are afraid that this will take all the attention away from what is going on in the advert and distraction is also a concern of ours if we used the fourth location.

There is one more location that we are waiting to look at which is Cheney Community Hall, this is the kind of place where an AA meeting would be held therefore we want to see what it looks like and leave this as a potential place for filming. We went there the day that we took all these location shots but unfortunately it was being used so we couldn't go in, but we are not waiting for an email to confirm the day that we can go and see it.

Monday, 5 November 2012


We have come up with an idea for our second tv advert. The camera will scan over a couple having a romantic meal at home. It will then scan over to the kitchen and show an open tin of dog food among the ingredients used to cook the romantic dinner. Our initial idea was to show one of the couple preparing it, using dog food. But then an element of comedy is lost if the audience find our straight away. As a result of the way we are filming it, the advert will be relitively short. Therefore we have decided to use this idea for our sponsorship advert. This means we will use the life model idea for our second advert. While further discussing our sponsorship advert we have realised that we need more time to tell the audience what is actually happening. It may not be obvious that she is a life model unless we have her ask the receptionist where it is for example.

Sponsorship storyboard

This is our sponsorship storyboard. Like in the Specsavers sauna advert the audience wont realise the mistake the character has made until the character realises (the audience are therefore more likey to relate to the character's bad sight). To do this the audience can't know it's a bereavement support meeting until right at the end; so the only bit of the group you see is in shot 3 when the back of someone's head is seen watching the character rush over.
To keep the professionalism of the advert no nudity will have to be shown and we will imply this through shot 4 and 5.
The door closes in the last shot revealing the sign saying 'Bereavement Support Meeting'. We chose this meeting, and not say an AA meeting, because it makes the nudity even more innappropriate and therefore funny. This is also a perfect space for our logo and slogan to appear.

Tv advert potential costumes

These are potential clothes for our tv advert.
This is a white shirt which we will smear paint on it to tell the audience that she has been painting. Along with casual non-discrete black leggings. To add to her artistic, care-free representation that'll add to the realism of her making the mistake, the buttons will be done up wrong. 
In the morning the fact that she has just woken up and is groggy and prone to not noticing the taste of paint in her mouth. We chose white so not to detract attention form the importance of the paint. 
These are three potential work outfits. They are smart and imply that she is going to work. This smartness will contrast with the humiliating paint and further add to the humour. We prefer the top two; they are the most typical smart-cas clothes. The bag in the top photo is the one we most likely will use; it is smart.
Incase her feet are in shot (when she leaves the house) these are some potential shoes. We think the top ones are most smart and non-discrete. 
All of these aspects of her appearance construct the representation of a normal working woman, someone with whom the audience can relate to. 

Photo storyboard avdert1

This is a brief photographic storyboard of our tv advert.
Cleaning her pallet.
From this shot, will be closer up to emphasise attention on the paint being left there. She will shortly finish cleaning up and leave the bathroom. The shot camera will stay on the paint close-up and she will turn the light off. 
The shot will be black, as the light has been turned off. Birdsong and maybe an alarm will play and the previous shot will come back in via fade. 
The audience will not directly see the paint in her mouth. We want this to be revealed at the end for comedic effect. 
Match on action.
Neighbour putting out bins. 
Her paint-covered teeth is finally revealed. 
Speechless neighbour! 
I think this would be a good last shot as it'll stick with the audience. It's a reaction that the audience do not wish to provoke from their neighbours. To secure that this does not happen to the audience the advert suggests that they should go to Specsavers.

Sponsorship idea discussion

After discussing ideas for our sponsorship advert. We found limitations of the Come Dine With Me idea and the Animal idea but have all agreed that the life model idea would be funny and effective.
Plan for sponsorship:
1. Woman turns up for life model drawing class. Receptionist tells her its down the corridor on the left door that reads 'life drawing'
2. Woman walks past life drawing room and into another room where she takes off her robe (camera does not show her naked, but robe falling onto floor)
3. The room she has gone into is a bereavement group and the camera films closeups of them crying
4. A voice over or other source displays '2020, sponsors of Nude Today'

We found a 5 part documentary of Channel 4 which would be a perfect programme to sponsor; Nude Today. The link follows.

Our initial Specsavers research led us to watch this advert (left) which is where we got the inspiration for this idea from. An embarrassment for nudity is something most people have in common and so the majority of people will find this funny.
