Monday, 15 April 2013

How effective is the combination of our media product and ancillary texts?

I think the combination of our main product and ancillary texts are very good and effective because our adverts and ancillary texts are linked very well together.

The first thing that we did to make the connection between all our two Adverts, Sponsorship Advert and the Web Pop-up was using our 20/20 Vision logo at the end of each advert and on the right hand side of the Pop-up. By doing this it creates brand recognition and shows that all those adverts are promoting the same product/brand.


Advert 1 Toothpaste 

Advert 2 Life drawing 

Sponsorship advert

We have also used the same characters in the Adverts (the Web Pop-up has the characters face covered). This also gets the audience to recognise the character and associate that person with our brand. In the first advert (paint as toothpaste) we use one character as the main person and in the second (life drawing) and third Sponsorship advert (dog food cereal) we use a different person, although in the first advert the main character in adverts two and three is also in this advert playing the neighbour. Additionally, even though she is not the main character her face may still be recognised and this will give the audience the connection from seeing her face to our brand.

We have kept within the same genre for all our Adverts and also the Web Pop-up, which is comedy. We have been able to do this by putting the characters in funny yet embarassing situations, including the Web Pop-up. All our adverts start as a normal situation, and we always reveal the punchline at the end, this leaves the audience laughing and remembering our brand. We have also made the Web Pop-up have a sense of humour to it by replacing the real gun with a banana, basically making fun of people who need glasses which is something we tend to portray in our adverts as well.
In terms of narrative, you could say that our adverts fit in with his theory of:

Equilibruim --> Disequilibrium --> New equilibruim.

For our first advert (toothpaste) you can say the start is calm and normal, this would be the equilibrium, then you see her brushing her teeth with paint and embaressing herself by talking to the neighbour and walking our of her house like this and this would be the disequilibrium. As that is the end of the advert, there is no new equlibrium (or solution) within the advert, although the last thing you see on the advert is our logo for20/20 Vision and this implies that coming to us to buy glasses is the solution.This also implies for our dog food advert, she is pouring cereal (equilibrium), then you see it is actually dog food and she eats it (disequlibrium) and then you see our logo (new equilibrium) and this is the same for our life drawing advert too.As well as using the same logo, we have also got a slogan (Shouldv'e gone to 20/20) which we place at the end of our adverts underneath the logo, and also which is said as a voice-over in our Sponsorship Advert, this is also placed on our Web Pop-up. Having a slogan is another way to create brand recognition and link all the Adverts together.

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