Monday 5 November 2012

Tv advert potential costumes

These are potential clothes for our tv advert.
This is a white shirt which we will smear paint on it to tell the audience that she has been painting. Along with casual non-discrete black leggings. To add to her artistic, care-free representation that'll add to the realism of her making the mistake, the buttons will be done up wrong. 
In the morning the fact that she has just woken up and is groggy and prone to not noticing the taste of paint in her mouth. We chose white so not to detract attention form the importance of the paint. 
These are three potential work outfits. They are smart and imply that she is going to work. This smartness will contrast with the humiliating paint and further add to the humour. We prefer the top two; they are the most typical smart-cas clothes. The bag in the top photo is the one we most likely will use; it is smart.
Incase her feet are in shot (when she leaves the house) these are some potential shoes. We think the top ones are most smart and non-discrete. 
All of these aspects of her appearance construct the representation of a normal working woman, someone with whom the audience can relate to. 

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