Thursday 20 December 2012

Sponsorship storyboard

Basic storyboard for sponsorship. A pull shot will take the first picture to the second.We will hear them chatting away flirtatiously. If we can hear what they are actually saying to each other then it may detract from the point of the advert. So we are considering using non-diegetic sound which will distort their conversation to mumbling. This music would have to be slow romantic/seductive music. The first shot will show them bringing the food up to their mouths, and then match on action will show them putting in their mouths. So that their reactions will be out of focus but not unrecognisable and the focus will be on the product. 

During our research process we have learnt that people read pictures as they do text; from top left to bottom right. Below is an example of a magazine advert. As you can see the product is the last thing people will read. The product and product name is framed by the black area of her trousers and background. Therefore we have chosen to put our slogan and logo at the bottom, preferably to the right. It could be framed by the surface we see the dog food tin on (meaning we'd flip the second image horizontally), so that the logo and slogan are the last things the audience takes in. 

In terms of the dog food tin we can't use an existing product because we'd be advertising a product that didn't belong to us. Furthermore, any existing products' labels are too busy with text. For the audience to understand what's gone wrong and to find it funny; the dog food tin needs to be really obvious and therefore bold and simple. Like the one to the right for example. Because this is an existing product we will change the name Friskies to something else or perhaps not have a name at all; just DOG FOOD (using Photoshop- then printing label and sticking on to a tin).

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